Are Greyhounds Good Apartment Dogs: how-to’s for happiness

You’d love to have a sleek, stately greyhound, but you live in an apartment.  You wonder if it would work out, a large, gangly dog, who is usually associated with running 40 mph.  You ask yourself: “Are greyhounds good apartment dogs?” Greyhounds, though typically not bred to be pets, adapt surprisingly well to apartment life. … Continue reading Are Greyhounds Good Apartment Dogs: how-to’s for happiness

Are Greyhounds Destructive? How to Stop the Madness

Few people will look at the elegant, docile greyhound and imagine that he would ever destroy anything in the house.  Well, looks can be deceiving.  On a list of the Top 15 Most Destructive Dogs, the greyhound ranks 11th.  The root cause of most greyhound vandalism is anxiety. Don’t despair, fellow greyhound lover! Greyhound Homecare… Continue reading Are Greyhounds Destructive? How to Stop the Madness