What is it Like to Own a Greyhound: the authentic truth

I can always tell when someone is considering getting a greyhound, by the way they look wistfully at my dog and ask: “What is it Like to Own a Greyhound?”  A greyhound is a mellow, peaceful addition to the family. He naps most of the time, enjoying the company of his owner.  No breed is… Continue reading What is it Like to Own a Greyhound: the authentic truth

56 Cool Facts You Never Knew About Greyhounds

Even if you have owned greyhounds for decades, there will be facts here that delight and amaze you! Greyhound Puppy Life Facts Greyhound puppies are known as “landsharks” for their love of exploring everything with their sharp, little teeth. Teen greyhound pups are called “saplings.” Greyhound puppies often play in kiddie pools. Greyhounds are raised… Continue reading 56 Cool Facts You Never Knew About Greyhounds

Are Greyhounds Good With Kids? (complete guide, by age)

Some people say greyhounds and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. Others approach the whole idea with fear. The opinions are all over the map, but all you want is a straight answer! So, are greyhounds good with kids? Yes! Greyhounds are docile, extremely sweet, and have the calmest demeanor of all dogs. … Continue reading Are Greyhounds Good With Kids? (complete guide, by age)