It’s not that these things are deep, dark secrets…’s just the tendency of experts to forget what it’s like to be the beginner. I can’t count how many times, in my early days as a greyhound owner, that I thought, “Why didn’t the adoption people tell me this when they gave me the dog?” How… Continue reading The Truth About Greyhound Adoption (10 things they don’t tell you)
Category: Adoption Tips
Are Greyhounds Good with Other Dogs?
Whether it is in your own home, at a friend’s home, or out in public, when you’re thinking of getting a greyhound, one of the top questions on your mind is…. “Are Greyhounds Good with Other Dogs?” Most greyhounds get along very well with, and even love the company of, other dogs. In researching this… Continue reading Are Greyhounds Good with Other Dogs?
What is it Like to Own a Greyhound: the authentic truth
I can always tell when someone is considering getting a greyhound, by the way they look wistfully at my dog and ask: “What is it Like to Own a Greyhound?” A greyhound is a mellow, peaceful addition to the family. He naps most of the time, enjoying the company of his owner. No breed is… Continue reading What is it Like to Own a Greyhound: the authentic truth
Why Did my Greyhound Growl at Me? How to Interpret
After we lost our first greyhound, Peaches, I just couldn’t stand the sight of that empty dog bed; so it wasn’t long before Shannon entered our lives. Everything was rosey, until about a month later. I had just sat down next to his bed, and had started petting him, when I heard a low, menacing… Continue reading Why Did my Greyhound Growl at Me? How to Interpret
Are Greyhounds Good With Kids? (complete guide, by age)
Some people say greyhounds and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly. Others approach the whole idea with fear. The opinions are all over the map, but all you want is a straight answer! So, are greyhounds good with kids? Yes! Greyhounds are docile, extremely sweet, and have the calmest demeanor of all dogs. … Continue reading Are Greyhounds Good With Kids? (complete guide, by age)
Are Greyhounds Good with Cats: how to prevent tragedy
You own a cat, and are interested in adopting a greyhound, but you wonder, “Is it possible for an animal who is bred to chase small, furry creatures to be compatible with my cat?” You search the internet, and find many cute pictures of greyhounds and cats cuddling together, and adoption groups promising that their… Continue reading Are Greyhounds Good with Cats: how to prevent tragedy